SDGs in South Asia (হার্ডকভার)
SDGs in South Asia (হার্ডকভার)
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This book attempts to assess the progress of achievements, implementation concerns, and challenges of SDGs in the context of South Asian countries with particular reference to Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim at substantively changing the content, system, and process of inclusive development and distributive justice. The broad conceptual base of SDG is to create a safe common future for all. Considering the context, this book attempts to overview the implementation processes and concerns of the SDGs in three select South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The book starts with a narrative of the evolution of four different UN Development Decades, followed by the MDG and SAARC development. Later, the writer has respectively presented and analyzed the building blocks of SDGs, qualitative concerns and an institutional review of SDG implementation arrangements of the case countries.

Title : SDGs in South Asia
Author : সালাহউদ্দিন এম আমিনুজ্জামান
Publisher : প্রথমা প্রকাশন
ISBN : 9789849779896
Edition : 1st Published, 2023
Number of Pages : 336
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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